Heti-Kai H. is looking for a nanny
Nõmme, Tallinnfrom 8 € for an hTere, otsin lapsehoidjat 6 kuusele poisile 6-10 tundi nädalas Nõmme, Tallinn. Ootan huviga teie sõnumit.
Phone number: visible only to members
Tere, otsin lapsehoidjat 6 kuusele poisile 6-10 tundi nädalas Nõmme, Tallinn. Ootan huviga teie sõnumit.
Phone number: visible only to members
Time: agreed individually
Pay: from 8 € for an h
Can work in own home
Can work with the disabled
Can work with pets
Can go outside with children
Can do shopping
Can cook
Can do the cleaning
Has a driving license
Has a car
Doesn't smoke
Your children
0-1 years old boy