Anu K.

Anu K.

Tartu39 y12 y experience8-15 € for an h

Minu kogemused on oma lapse kasvatamine ja hoian tuttavate lapsi vajadusel. Lisaks eelnevale on ka kogemus 0,5- 11a lastega siis peale lapsehoidja koolituse läbimist ja esmaabi kursust olen olnud pikkaajaliselt neljas peres abiks laste hoidmisel ja nendega tegelemisel. Lisaks ka lühema ajaga hoidmisi. Suurima hea meelega olen just teie lapsele (lastele) sõber ja mängukaaslane.

Endal 20a poeg kes on iseseisev.

Phone number: visible only to members


4 recommends

Time: agreed individually

Pay: 8-15 € for an h

Au pair: negotiable

Experience: 12 y

Baby sitting
  • Can work in own home

  • Can work with the disabled

  • Can work with pets

  • Can go outside with children

  • Can do shopping

  • Can cook

  • Can do the cleaning

  • Have a driving license

  • Have a car

  • Don't smoke


I would work with

  1. Babies, 0-1 years old

  2. Toddlers, 2-3 years old

  3. Preschoolers, 4-6 years old

  4. Gradeschoolers, 7-11 years old

  5. Teens, 12-18 years old


Up to 3 children



Institution: Reiting koolituskeskus

Specialty: Lapsehoidja

Courses: nanny courses, first aid courses

Languages: Estonian, English, Finnish